Dundonald is a Rights Rights Respecting School. This means that our ethos is underpinned by the articles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child (UNCRC). Children learn about their rights and how to respect the rights of others.
The emphasis within the school is on developing self-discipline. We encourage children to make good behaviour choices. We expect polite, cooperative and respectful behaviour towards each other, from both adults and children at all times.
We encourage children to use words to solve conflict rather than physical action. Occasionally children need support to behave appropriately. Staff work together to help a child by endeavouring to understand, treating each child fairly and as an individual and providing positive emphasis on appropriate behaviour.
Parents/carers will always be informed and invited to work together with the team where a child is in need of support.
Behaviour and Discipline PolicyAnti-Bullying Policy
At Dundonald Primary School we are proud to provide a safe, stimulating and creative environment which celebrates diversity and promotes the inclusion of all. Every child is a valued member of our community. We want children to be informed, to know what bullying is and what to do if they feel they are being bullied or see bullying.
One of our key events in the school calendar is Anti-Bullying Week in November where we take part in ‘Odd Socks Day’ as a way to celebrate everyone’s individuality. Children are also asked to complete an anti-bullying survey which helps to track well-being and identify how we can improve children’s feelings in regards to safety at school. During the week, all children are asked to name two adults within the school who they feel they can approach if they are feeling worried or upset about something, although we emphasise they can talk to any adult.
All of these elements of Anti-Bullying Week, as well as extra age-appropriate PSHE lessons and assemblies help to create a supportive culture at Dundonald fuelled by kindness, care and compassion.
Anti-Bullying Information and Advice for Parents/Carers
anti bullying week 2021 parent pack final.pdf
It can be distressing to learn that your child is exhibiting bullying behaviour. There are many reasons why a young person may display bullying behaviour and there is often no 'one right answer'. It is important to listen to your child in order to understand why they may be displaying this behaviour.
Please find a list of common reasons compiled by The Diana Award here.
The Diana Award - A Parent's Guide to Anti-Bullying
This guide explores bullying behaviour and definitions, some of the most common signs to look out for if you know or suspect that your child is experiencing bullying behaviour and practical next steps towards a solution.
2021 aba flyer anti bullyingtool parentscarers.pdf
Cyberbullying Conversation Starters:
Internet Matters Cyberbullying Advice Hub
childnet deshame advice leaflet 9 12s screen.pdf
Helplines/Support for Children
ChildLine is UK's free, confidential helpline for children and young people. They offer advice and support, by phone and online, 24 hours a day.
EACH has a freephone Helpline for children experiencing homophobic, biphobic or transphobic bullying or harassment: 0808 1000 143. It’s open Monday to Friday 10am-5pm.
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) provides help and advice on cyberbullying.
Kidscape: Information for young people