Dundonald Primary School

Our Contact Details


Dundonald Primary School

Dundonald Road


SW19 3QH


T: 020 8715 1188

Co-Headteachers: Mrs A Healy, Mrs L Carmen

School Office/Parent Enquiries/General Enquiries: Veronique Channevy

SEND Coordinator (SENDCO): Claire Robson

Chair of Governors: Emma Lemon 

If you require any information about Special Educational Needs provision, please contact Claire Robson (SENCO).

Please address any other enquiries to school@dundonald.merton.sch.uk


General enquiries: school@dundonald.merton.sch.uk - For general enquiries, your message may be answered by any member of the school office team.
SEND: SEND@Dundonald.merton.sch.uk
PTA: pta.dundonald@gmail.com
Governor: governors@dundonald.merton.sch.uk

Safeguarding: safeguarding@dundonald.merton.sch.uk


Please note that we will provide a paper copy of the information on our website free of charge.

If you prefer you may complete the contact form below and a member of the school office will respond to your query as soon as possible. 

Please complete all fields marked (*)

Let us know why you need to get in touch

