Design/Technology - Teaching & Learning
Curriculum Intent
Design and Technology is a popular and valued subject at Dundonald Primary School. Through an exciting variety of projects we facilitate the process of design, make and evaluate and the progression of technical knowledge and skills. Our curriculum has six key areas: cooking and nutrition, mechanisms, structures, textiles, and in KS2 electrical systems and the digital world. Our young designers develop creative thinking and practical skills as they move from ideas to a tangible product with a purpose. The skills that children master during their learning journey at Dundonald Primary School are cumulative. Through various creative projects we facilitate innovation, exploring ideas, trying new things, problem solving, adapting and persevering to achieve their objective. We believe that this subject inspires and equips not only future designers, engineers, architects and chefs, but all children to develop their creativity and growth mindset.
Curriculum Implementation
Design and Technology (DT) is a practical subject in which children are encouraged to explore their creativity and imagination to solve real and relevant problems. It introduces children to important life skills and allows children to experience a ‘hands on’ approach to their learning.
At Dundonald, all children: research, design, make and evaluate their products whilst developing their vocabulary and subject knowledge as they progress through the school. We have developed a broad D&T curriculum which balances the teaching of National Curriculum objectives with ample opportunity for our children to be creative and critical thinkers. Our curriculum is based around: Structures, Mechanisms, Textiles, Electrical Systems and Food Technology which all form key parts of the KS1 and KS2 curriculum. In EYFS children are introduced to D&T through Physical Development and Expressive Arts and Design.
Curriculum Map
Skills Progression