Dundonald Primary School

Eco Warriors

Dundonald Eco-Warriors are made up of two representatives from each class, Year 1 to Year 6.

They are elected at the beginning of the autumn term to lead projects and address issues relating to sustainability.  The Eco-Warriors meet on a regular basis (usually weekly) and they feed back to their classes on action points and represent their class’ concerns and ideas at meetings.  The Year 5 Eco-Warriors also have the role of Junior Travel Ambassadors.  This means they have extra responsibility for looking at travel issues in the school.

Dundonald Primary School is a STARS accredited school and currently holds the STARS Gold Level status, which means that we are among the top 10% of London schools that demonstrate their commitment to sustainable travel. 

The Eco-Warriors take the lead in reviewing the sustainability issues in the school.  In the autumn term they carry out an Environmental Review and any issues arising are then incorporated into the Eco Action Plan, to be worked on throughout the year. The Eco-Warriors are also involved in presenting assemblies to the whole school such as launching and promoting the Eco-Code, introducing competitions, running campaigns as well as passing on green messages and reminders. 

On a weekly basis they help the site manager take energy meter readings, empty the paper recycling bins in the classrooms and monitor energy efficiency in the classrooms by making sure lights are turned off and doors are closed when classrooms are not in use.

Green Flag Award

Every two years the Eco-Warriors are involved in renewing the school’s Green Flag, which is an award recognising the school’s eco work. 

During this process the school has to show how they are working on the 10 eco-topics (transport, waste, water, litter, school grounds, healthy living, energy, marine, biodiversity, global citizenship). 

Quote from the 'Green Flag' assessor (April/May 2019):

I was blown away by the Eco Council and that children from all year groups got to talk about a project they had lead on. The understanding of the Eco Warriors to environmental issues and the desire to really maintain behaviour change both among the pupils and teachers after a project was really strong. Well done to everyone.   

Green Ambassador School

In July 2018 Dundonald Primary School was voted England's number one Green Ambassador School.