Dundonald Primary School

4C Geography Fieldtrip

4C went on our Geography fieldwork trip around Wimbledon this week. We identified the different types of land use we could see. We took pictures of these. We discussed why there were shops, roads and other modes of transport in particulare areas. We then thought about what features we would add or change if we were Mayor of Wimbledon. Here are some of the future Mayors of Wimbledon and their ideas: 

Mayors Allegra, Olivia and Iha would like to propose the idea of having more recreational land purposely for children perhaps like a kids centre. They believe there are not enough places dedicated for children in Wimbledon. 

Mayor Emi would like to propose changing the gyms into shops that we don't have in Wimbledon as there are already a lot of them. 

Mayor Hayden would like to propose the idea of building bridges across some of the roads to help people cross them whilst the cars are still moving. 

Mayors Pippa and Sankya would like to propose more recreational land and more land for transport. The adults in Wimbledon might have kids and the kids may want to run around more. We propose more roads as if there are a lot of people moving, they need more roads to drive to the shops. We think there should be more places to park. 

Mayor Robbie would like to propose more recreational land like arcades. 

Mayor Joseph would like to build a running track as the nearest one is in Kingston.

Mayor Karlie thinks we should have more grassy areas, so more recreational land.

Mayor Hugo also wants more recreational land like a basketball court. 

Mayor Arzan thinks we should add more shops that are not in Wimbledon.

Mayor Aoife says that when she goes to school, the park is very busy so she would like the park to be wider. She also thinks there should be more religious places of worship of all religions. 

Mayor Kyle would like to see more wildlife in Wimbledon and so would like a zoo. 

Images of around Wimbledon