Dundonald Primary School

Inter-house Art Competition Results

We are delighted to announce the results of our Inter-house Art Competition. This year the theme was 'Planet Earth', and we were thrilled to see the incredible talent and creativity displayed by all the students. The artwork was nothing short of amazing, and choosing the winners was no easy task.


1st Anaya 3W

2nd Carolina 1W

3rd Theodore 1M

4th Iris 2S

5th Daniel 3B


1st Julia 6B

2nd Hayoon 4E

3rd Charis 6B

4th Alexandra 4E

5th Stanley 6M

While there were countless beautiful pieces, we simply didn't have enough space to post them all! However we made sure that every child had the opportunity to share their amazing creations with their classes. 

Thank you to all the students for their hard work, and congratulations to our talented winners!