Welcome to Nursery!
Nursery Teacher: Miss Toogood
Our Medium Term Plan Summer
Medium Term Plans for this term and from previous terms if available can be found here.
Online Safety at Home
The following resources might help you to engage with and/or support your child in online safety related matters:
Parental Controls can help to keep your child safe online. The UK Safer Internet Centre is offering a lot of advice on how to set up filters on your home internet to prevent age inappropriate content being accessed on devices in your home:
Filtering can be a helpful tool in reducing the chances of your child coming across something upsetting but it is only part of the solution as it is also important to talk to your child about staying safe online and making sure that they can talk to you if they get into any difficulty.
Home Learning Subscriptions
Letter-join: Cursive Handwriting Practice
We teach handwriting at Dundonald using the Letter-join programme. Pupils wishing to practise their handwriting at home can log in to the Letter-join website (https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/) on iPads and tablets as well as desktop computers and laptops.
Please refer to the login details that you have received for your child via ParentMail.
Please click on the icon below to get started:
Please refer to the login details that you have received for Google Classroom (just without @cloud.dundonald.merton.sch.uk). Thank you.
Uniform requirements for Nursery can be found in the School Uniform section.