Partnership with Parents/Carers
We firmly believe that children learn best when parents/carers and school staff work together. We encourage dialogue through communication books, reading record books, diaries and informal discussion between teachers and parents/carers. There are a range of events on the school calendar where families and staff get together socially e.g. Summer and Christmas Fairs, International Evenings, Sports Days.
Communication: School - Parents/Carers
- Arbor: General administrative information including educational visits, reminders etc. will be sent to parents/carers using Arbor.
- Weekly News: Our Weekly Newsletter informs parents/carers e.g. about upcoming dates, planned events, recent trips, introduces new members of staff and gives advice in safeguarding related matters. This is our primary method of communicating so please spare a few minutes each Friday to read it.
- School Website: The school website is updated regularly with curriculum focused 'topic' plans, gives an insight into school life and practical information such as calendar dates, clubs, school policies and term dates.
- Parent/Carer Consultation Meetings: We offer parents/carers an appointment to speak with the class teacher about their child's learning in autumn and spring terms. Parents/carers are provided with a 'Learning Journey' prior to the meeting.
- Sharing Learning: Each term, parents/carers are invited to come into school for 'Sharing Learning with your Child'. Children have the opportunity to share their learning with parents/carers in the classroom.
- Parent Liaison Group: Each term our PLR gather views and feedback from parents in their class and these are discussed in a meeting with the Headteachers. Responses and any actions are fedback to the parent/carer community by the reps.
April 2024 Parent Liaison Report
- Meet the Teacher: Meet the Teacher sessions are organised at the beginning of the academic year where parents/carers have the opportunity to meet their child's new class teacher and to find out about the year ahead (curriculum, medium term plan, behaviour policy, homework etc.).
- Annual School Report: Parents/carers receive a detailed school report at the end of summer term. This outlines the child's achievements during the year, how they are achieving relative to age expectation and how they can improve and develop in the future. Parents/carers may discuss any concerns they have with the teacher.
- Noticeboards
Parents/Carers can talk to the teacher at the end of the school day. If parents/carers would like a longer discussion with the class teacher they can arrange an appointment via the school office.
If parents/carers have any concern about the health and safety of their child or feel that something may be troubling him, they should speak directly to a member of the Dundonald Safeguarding Team.
Expressing Concerns/Complaints
Parents, carers and children sometimes have worries about aspects of school life. These concerns may be issues with behaviour, matters in relation to teaching and learning or the way the school is organised. At Dundonald we take all concerns raised seriously. It is important that the school is informed at the earliest opportunity if there are any concerns or worries.
In the first instance it is usually the class teacher who can deal best with the concern although there might be situations where the responsible Assistant Headteacher (AHT) for Early Years/Lower School/Upper School would need to discuss the matter with the parent/carer. If the AHT could not resolve the matter, parents/carers should book an appointment with the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher.
Parent/Carer Support
We welcome and value the involvement/help of parents/carers in school, whether they have a specific talent or skill or can assist with more general activities.
Parent/Carer involvement can include listening to children read, helping with cooking, gardening, computing or accompanying educational visits. Parents/Carers wishing to help in school must hold a current DBS check, which can be applied for via the school office.
If you volunteer to help on a school trip, we ask parents/carers to sign and adhere to the 'Parent/Carer Agreement for a School Visit' and to attend a briefing on information, behaviour and safety prior to leaving the school premises.
The security and safety of children on school visits is paramount and every effort is made to ensure that trips run as smoothly, enjoyable and safely as possible for everyone on the trip.
Home-School Agreement
At Dundonald we know that our children's education is a team effort. Our Home-School Agreement is a contract that sets out our ethos and mission. All members of the school community will respect and follow Dundonald's Whole School Charter based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child and respect others through our manners. All pupils, parents/carers and teachers are invited to sign an individual Home-School Agreement.
If you have not already done so, please print off the Home-School Agreement below, sign and return it to the school office.
Supporting Rights and Responsibilities at Dundonald
Rights respecting values and language are included as part of lessons, playtimes, assemblies and all aspects of school life at Dundonald. The 'Little Book of Rights' will help you to talk to your child about what they have learnt about UNCRC Rights.
Ideas on how Rights and Responsibilities at Dundonald can be supported
- Talk about the articles and make links with everyday situations. Discuss how you can promote the values at home.
- Watch the news with your children and talk about issues they may have seen or heard where the rights of others may have been violated.
- Make regular links between rights and responsibilities at home. Allowing children to take on small responsibilities within the home, supports their understanding of this. This may be helping younger siblings, tidying their room, laying the table or washing up.
- Use the language of rights and remind your child of the difference between wants and needs. They will understand that wanting things is natural but it is very different to be in need of things to survive.
- Support your child to think about and practise being eco-friendly. Help children to think about sustainability.
- Help your child to think about how they are part of the community, both locally and globally. Encourage them to think about how they can care for others and take positive action to support their community. For example, if the school raises money for a certain charity, take time to chat to your child about this charity and how the money might be used.