Dundonald Primary School

Welcome to Reception!


Part time Reception 1 Teacher and Assistant Headteacher for EYFS: Mrs Johnstone | Part time Reception 1 Teacher: Mrs O'Connor | Reception 2 Teacher: Miss Boyall

Log into Tapesty: Online learning journal


Our Medium Term Plan 


Medium Term Plans for this term and from previous terms if available can be found on our Curriculum Maps page.

Reception Baseline Assessment - Guide for Parents

Online Safety at Home

'On the internet' is a learning-to-read book from Childnet aimed for use with children aged four and above. The book can be downloaded here.

Please click here for further advice on how to support your child online.

Home Learning Subscriptions

Letter-join: Cursive Handwriting Practice

We teach handwriting at Dundonald using the Letter-join programme. Pupils wishing to practise their handwriting at home can log in to the Letter-join website (https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/) on iPads and tablets as well as desktop computers and laptops.

Please refer to the login details that you have received for your child via Arbor.

Please click on the icon below to get started:

Letter-join Home Users Guide



Please refer to the login details that you have received for Google Classroom (just without @cloud.dundonald.merton.sch.uk). Thank you.


Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement

We have updated our Pupil Acceptable Use Agreements (AUA) and hope that parents/carers will support these by discussing it with their child.

Dundonald aims to provide pupils with the best access it can to online technologies. Filtering, monitoring and alert systems are in place to protect the children from unnecessary risk without overprotecting them. The school actively encourages children to think critically about content and communication from others and develop strategies for recognising inappropriate content/behaviours and how to deal with them. In return, we expect the children to demonstrate that they are responsible/critical users of digital technologies; at school and at home; the Pupil Acceptable Use Agreements reflect our expectations.

 Acceptable Use Agreement for EYFS/Year 1