Dundonald Primary School


School Meals 


School Menu 

Please note that we are a nut free school. Nuts must not be brought into school under any circumstances as we have a number of children with severe nut allergies. 

  Why Choose Caterlink


Why Choose Caterlink?

Dundonald Spring Summer 2024 Menu 

Dundonald Autumn Winter 2024- 2025 Menu

Allergy & Intolerance Form

Caterlink Added Plant Power

Caterlink Sugar Reduction Programme

School Food Standards Guidance

School Meal Costs & Order

This academic year all pupils in Reception to Year 6 are entitled to a school meal 'free of charge' under the Universal Infant Free School Meal Funding and funding from the Mayor of London. 

Meals must be taken 5 days per week; your child cannot have a mixture of packed lunches and school meals. If you wish to change from packed lunches to school meals you must complete the below google form. As above this will be for at least a half term if not an entire term.

School Meals Opt in/Opt out Form 

Special Dietary Meals

Medical Dietary Request Form

If your child has dietary requirements on medical or religious grounds, special meals may be ordered for her/him. Please complete the Medical Dietary Request Form if you wish a special meal to be ordered. A meal plan will need to be completed by the catering company before meals can be taken.

Packed Lunch

We encourage all children to eat school lunches.

If your child prefers to bring a packed lunch, please ensure that this contains no nuts (see No Nuts Policy below). Drinks should be in a plastic container or carton; no glass or cans of fizzy drinks should be brought into school. Please ensure that your child's lunch boxes are clearly labelled.

We offer guidance to parents/carers as to suitable healthy lunchbox choices and discuss healthy eating choices with our children.

No Nuts Policy

A severe nut allergy can be life threatening. Since we have a number of children in school who suffer from a severe nut allergy, it is essential that children who have an allergy do not come in contact with nuts and/or nut products. With this in mind, we ask all parents, carers and staff to follow our No Nuts Policy and to be particularly vigilant with pre-wrapped foods like cereal bars. 

Free School Meals Eligibility

For information or to make an online application please visit the link below. 

Free School Meals Information Online Pupil Premium/Free School Meals Application Application forms are available on request from the school office. 

School Milk

Dundonald Primary School has a milk scheme, administered by Cool Milk. Pupils are given a mid morning drink of milk which is free until the age of 5. After that your child can continue to receive milk at a subsidised cost. 

If you would like to opt in to the scheme please register your child at www.coolmilk.com/registerYour child/ren will continue to receive free milk whilst under the age of 5 and Cool Milk will get in touch with further information by email shortly before their 5th birthday. If your child is over 5 you can still register at any time.

Cool Milk registration